This Code of Conduct applies to all staff, volunteers, and participants (“Members”) of Bridges Beyond Boxing. Its purpose is to ensure everyone is treated with respect, fairness, and dignity and to prevent any form of bullying, discrimination, or abuse.

1. Respect and Fairness

Members must treat everyone with respect, regardless of their race, sex, age, nationality, religion, or social background. Everyone has the right to participate in a positive, safe environment free from harassment and discrimination.

2. Professionalism

Staff and volunteers must maintain high standards of conduct, including honesty, integrity, and responsibility. They must use appropriate language and behaviour at all times.

3. Non-Discrimination

Members are strictly prohibited from discriminating or bullying anyone. This includes verbal, physical, or online abuse, offensive remarks, or any behaviour that could be seen as threatening or degrading.

4. Physical Contact

Any physical contact should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the participant’s skill development. Always seek consent before initiating physical contact.

5. Reporting Misconduct

Any incidents of misconduct or breach of this code should be reported immediately to the appropriate authority. Confidentiality will be maintained, and no one will be penalized for making a report in good faith.

6. Compliance with Policies

Members are expected to fully comply with all Bridges Beyond Boxing policies and procedures, including our Child Protection Policy and Data Privacy Policy.

7. Sportsmanship

Members must demonstrate good sportsmanship, encourage teamwork, and respect all participants, staff, volunteers, and officials.

Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or participation in the programme. Bridges Beyond Boxing is committed to creating a positive, respectful environment for all.

Last Updated: July 28, 2023